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Writer's pictureShelby Leigh Gilliland

40 Days of Prayer and Painting


So I just wanted to give a little background story for the idea that has lead me to do this 40 day challenge!

Zach's mom (Zach is my soon-to-be husband) gave us a book named "Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge" by Mark Batterson. It has a chapter per day to read and challenges the way we pray and basically just talks about how strong prayer can be!

Zach and I started doing the challenge a couple weeks ago, but we missed a few days, and we didn't each have own copy, so when we didn't see each other, we had to do some over the phone and long story short, we didn't complete the 40 day challenge.

I have been praying for a while now for God to show me ways to glorify Him through my art. I feel like He has just confirmed and reconfirmed that pursuing my art is a part of His plan for me, but I have just been so unsure of how doing what I'm doing is suppose to be glorifying him. I also have been struggling to do my Bible study and pray every morning. I would completely put it off and just immediately start working on my art, instead of starting my day off the way I needed to. It's like I put off praying and reading God's word because it wasn't something that I could check off on my to-do list for the day. I needed some accountability in my life!

With my own copy of the book, I decided to start over and re-do the challenge a couple days ago. I had an idea that would keep me accountable and bring God into my art.

I am going to read "Draw the Circle:The 40 Day Challenge," read God's word, journal my prayers, and paint every day for 40 days.

I am going to make a daily post of my favorite quote from the book of that day or my favorite verse.

I am also going to post the painting I made for that day! The paintings will be for sale by bidding. The bidding will be open for 24 hours, and the highest bidder each day will get the painting! You can be $20 or just $1, there is no minimum bid!I will not be offended, no matter what you bid! I'm not worried about making a profit with these paintings. I'm just worried about spreading God's word! I will post the paintings either on my story or in an actual post!

The subject of these 40 paintings will be windows. I'll reveal the meaning behind that in a later post!!

If anyone would like to join me in the challenge, that would be awesome! I will buy the first 3 people to join a copy of "Draw the Circle!" Feel free to email me, text me, message me if you're interested!

I can't wait to see how God moves in my life these next 40 days!

Thanks for reading!


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